Comment: Why does the West refuse to see Islamic  Jihad for what it is– sheer contempt for non-Muslims and an excuse to use  barbarous acts  and murder in order to cleanse the earth of the “infidels”.


Germany: Muslim migrant screaming “Allahu akbar” kicks 76-year-old man to death, is “mentally ill,” won’t be tried

This is a thing with jihad murderers. Western countries suspends western law. New York: Machete-Wielding Muslim Terrorist Who Murdered Rabbi and Stabbed Five Jews At Chanukah Synagogue Celebration Will Not Stand Trial

France: Muslim killer of Jewish woman who screamed ‘Allah Akbar!’ ‘‘Dirty Jew!’ while beating her to death WILL NOT STAND TRIAL

Muslim man who stabbed Jews at Amsterdam market ruled unfit to stand trial

Here is still more of the general European tendency to ascribe all Islamic jihad activity to mental illness. But no European authorities have any cure.

“The death of pensioner Detlef in Offenburg: a murder based on Islamic motives,” translated from “Der Tod von Rentner Detlef in Offenburg: Ein Mord aus islamischen Motiven,” by Michael Stürzenberger, PI News, April 21, 2020 (thanks to Medforth Blog):

As is so often the case, a murder based on Islamic motives is pushed back into the psychiatric area in Offenburg. Muslim Ali. M, a “refugee” from Somalia, gave the classic Islam battle cry “Allahu Akbar” while on May 16, 2019 he kicked and hit the defenseless 76-year-old pensioner Detlef J.. Shortly before this attack, the federal police stopped him at the train station in Offenburg after he was “loudly expressing his opinion about Islam” and hammering on the window pane of a train station pub.

When riding in a taxi, he became aggressive, grabbed the steering wheel and hit the driver in the face. Ali M. was then arrested by the police and started “praying loudly” on the way to the police station.

Four weeks earlier, the 25-year-old Muslim had complained massively in a shisha bar about non-compliance with Ramadan. On the train, he harassed and pestered “unbelievers” who were riding with him. All of this is the behavior of a deeply religious Muslim who has internalized the strict rules of Islam and the radical orders of the Koran to hate infidels and to fight them to the point of killing them.

Pensioner Detlef died on Monday after suffering in the hospital for months. He had suffered several broken bones in his face as a result of the Muslim’s kicks and blows, went blind in his left eye, and was in need of long-term care ever since. His condition had continued to deteriorate until the end. He had to be fed with a gastric tube and was ultimately unable to swallow.

The pensioner’s twin sons not only had to witness the slow death of their father, who no longer recognized them due to severe brain injuries, but also paid for the high costs of the treatment. Despite long-term care insurance and a pension, they were lacking around 1,600 euros each month.

Muslim Ali M., as is so often the case, was certified by a “reviewer” as a “paranoid schizophrenic” and referred to a psychiatric hospital. Because the Muslim suffers from a “persistent illness”, there is a risk of further crimes such as bodily harm or homicide if the accused remains “untreated”. Now the Muslim can talk himself out of an ominous “mental illness”, is cared for in a hospital, is considered to be incapable of guilt, and evades fair punishment. What kind of “mental illness” the Muslim has probably results from the testimony of witnesses who saw the brutal attack on the pensioner:

“The 25-year-old suddenly stepped on the pensioner, repeatedly against his head. And he cried out Allahu Akbar”. (..)

“I went to the traffic lights. There was a man on the side of the road. When I got out of the car, the accused came up to me, held out a newspaper and shouted, ‘Look, look’ and ‘Allahu Akbar’. I didn’t know what he had behind the newspaper, maybe a knife. That’s why I’m went aside and called the police. When I looked back, I saw him keep kicking his head. The police were there three minutes later. The man on the floor made no sound, I thought he had passed out.”

It would be interesting to find out what was in the newspaper that the Muslim held up. Maybe something outraged him out of his deep belief? Possibly photos of lightly dressed, undressed women? Or a report about alleged “discrimination” against Muslims? A critical article about Islam or an Islamic terrorist attack? There could be many things that make a religious Muslim angry.

Ali M. came to Germany from Somalia in 2015 as a “refugee”; his asylum application was rejected in 2017. Since then, like hundreds of thousands of other unjustified asylum seekers, he has been tolerated in our country. Praise Islam and commit crimes.

Despite the assault committed before the fatal attack on the pensioner, he was released. The victim was suspected. So his two sons had to listen to questions from the police about whether their father was “peace-loving”, “xenophobic” and “how much alcohol” he was drinking. Detlef J. didn’t even have a beer in his fridge. He wasn’t xenophobic, either. He only came from playing games with friends and wanted to go home when Muslim Ali ran into him. Now Detlef is ad. And his murderer doesn’t even have to answer for this in court. All

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