Perhaps we should just let them burn?

Comment: Undoubtedly, there are many who would agree with this.
Let Seattle and Portland Riot Themselves Into Oblivion

Happy Monday, brilliant readers of the Kruiser Morning Briefing.

The Morning Briefing: It Might Be Time to Let the Liberal Riot Hellholes Burn


A little over a month ago I, led the Briefing by writing about the CHAZ/CHOP embarrassment in Seattle, only semi-seriously suggesting that it might be best for President Trump to leave them to their own devices if the little experiment in anarchy stuck around until Election Day. The one good thing about CHAZ/CHOP was that the brats didn’t riot as much while they were playing live-action SimCity.

As with just about everything that has happened since March, things have gotten even more out of hand since then. The Pacific Northwest has become riot central now, with both Seattle and Portland spiraling into chaos that seems more like a bad movie than real life.

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Obama went lower than low on this one.

Comment: Since when did eulogies become an acceptable platform for political grandstanding. In the opinion of many, Obama showed sheer disrespect to Lewis and his accomplishments in the civil rights struggle by glossing over them and getting unacceptably political for the occasion.


Update: Barack Obama’s half-brother rips ‘cold and ruthless’ ex-president

Alveda King slams Obama’s political speech at Lewis funeral as ‘wordplay’ that takes nation back to segregated 60s

Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., slammed former President Barack Obama for the wordplay in his eulogy for Congressman John Lewis, saying he took the nation back to the segregated 60s.

While Obama couldn’t summon enough courage to speak President Trump’s name, there was no mistaking his criticism of the president in what sounded more like a stump speech than a eulogy.

As smug and arrogant as ever, not to mention divisive, the former president used the occasion to push the myth of voter suppression.

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Ole George threatening Trump?

Flashback: Back In 2018, George Soros Declared: ‘Trump Will Disappear In 2020 Or Sooner’

Liberal billionaire George Soros has been anti-Trump for many years.

And with November’s election being arguably one of the most important in modern American history, we are reminded of what Soros said back in 2018 when discussing President Donald Trump in office.

While speaking at the 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Soros made what many perceived to be a threatening comment towards the president.

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Portland mayor wins the lumpen prize

Comment: Just a typical Leftist colluding with the enemies within to bring America down . Nobody can possibly this stupid, unless they truly believe the siren song of change for the better.


Portland mayor refuses help, tells federal officers to ‘stay inside’ or ‘leave’ his cityP

Update:  Portland Arrest Was by Trump’s New Left’s Fear-Mongering ‘Secret Police’ Narrative Shattered, Turns Out Viral PoPACT Force

Following weeks of continued protests and unrest in Oregon, Portland’s Mayor Ted Wheeler is thumbing his nose at any offers of federal assistance to restore order.

The defiant Democrat rebuffed the Department of Homeland Security’s offer to help quell violent demonstrations, declaring that his “immediate concern” is actually with the violence by federal officers. Wheeler declined the offer and told federal agents to “stay inside” or “leave” the city.

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The Schiffster steps in it again.

Comment: Does this kumquat forget that people are on to him?  Apparently, he misses the limelight and will do anything to be at the top of the news cycle day in and day out.

Adam Schiff Was Briefed On Russian ‘Bounties Story Back In February, Report Says

California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff will use any excuse to go after President Donald Trump.

Schiff was busted several times pushing false and overly sensationalized information about unproven Trump-Russia collusion for years, and now he’s apparently back to his own tricks.

According to a bombshell discovery by The Federalist, Schiff was briefed on the alleged “bounties” made on U.S. troops by Russia in Afghanistan.

The intelligence was briefed to Schiff’s staff during a congressional trip to Afghanistan in February.

The Federalist adds:

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Well Known Civil Rights Attorney Stopped Drinking Dem Koolaid, Blasts BLM

Comment: Sooner or later, the truth emerges, often with a bang.

Civil Rights atty Leo Terrell: Stop funding ‘sham’ BLM, it’s a ‘funnel group for extremists’


Civil rights attorney and talk radio host Leo Terrell slammed the Black Lives Matter organization and called for corporations to stop pouring millions of dollars into funding it.

Terrell dismissed the movement as “a joke” during a discussion on Fox News’ “Hannity” as he tore into the hypocrisy and lack of actual concern for the black community by the organization that has gained widespread attention and support in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

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Are we voting for Joe Biden or his VP pick.


Zogby Poll: Most Americans Think Biden is Crazy

Donald Trump drives Democrats crazy. And in their delusion, they nominated a man with dementia to lead their party.

So says the latest poll from Zogby:

The Zogby Poll®: A majority of voters believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia; 60% of younger voters think so; Swing voters less likely to think Biden has dementia

A majority (55%) of likely voters surveyed thought it was more likely (much more and somewhat more likely combined) that Vice President Biden is in the early stages of dementia, while 45% thought it was less likely (much less and somewhat less likely combined). Overall, subgroups who normally approve of Trump’s job as president, were the most likely to believe Biden could be suffering from dementia.

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Dems beware, Black America is becoming more and more aware of your true intentions.

Comment: Leftists want women and all minorities to see themselves as hapless victims of the evil system. Not to worry, we will take care of you, just give us your vote.

Preach on sister!’ Black woman schools white liberal woman in Seattle’s ‘zone,’ takes internet by storm


A video of a spirited black woman educating a white liberal woman in the occupied Seattle autonomous zone “CHOP,” formerly known as “CHAZ,” is taking the internet by storm.

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How do we let infiltration into our most sensitive areas happen?

Comment: Is our vetting process too lenient, too sloppy, or deliberately evasive?

U.S. National Institutes of Health Fires 54 Researchers As Ongoing Investigation Reveals 93% Failed to Disclose Links to Chinese Communist Party

The National Institutes of Health, the foremost research institute under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has investigated 189 researchers for undisclosed ties to foreign countries, 93 percent of which were linked to China.

The fresh round of terminations resulted from an ongoing investigation at the taxpayer-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) into the failure of grant recipients to disclose financial ties to foreign governments.

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Shelby Steele says it all

Comment: Both the post below and a contained  related link are well worth the read.

INSURRECTION: Civil Rights Leader Shelby Steele to Mark Levin: ‘Blacks Have Never Been Less Oppressed’


In a remarkable soliloquy, Shelby Steele dominated his interview with Mark Levin with an excoriation of the riots and looting that have taken place over the past couple of weeks. Steele, an African-American veteran of the civil rights movement of the 1960s and a best-selling author, appeared on the June 7 episode of Life, Liberty, and Levin to say the protesters have nothing new to say, and that blacks have never been less oppressed in American society.

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